Course 30: Performance Evaluation
- Copy of test items generated in class plus additional written tests, quizzes, or performance measures you created
- Handouts from the electrical training ALLIANCE during NTI regarding the Test Generator
- Performance evaluation sheet that can be used to evaluate during a hands-on task
- electrical training ALLIANCE test problem, your correction or suggestion and the electrical training ALLIANCE email confirming that they received your feedback
- Reflections on Year Three
- Training Director Feedback
Course 32: Teaching and Management in a Technical Laboratory
- Digital pictures of your laboratories with labels
- Management plan for your laboratory (include record keeping and sample laboratory management forms)
- Model lesson plan, assignment sheets and scoring rubrics
- Description of your laboratory work stations, what apprentices do at the station and how instruction is delivered and managed
- Identification of a behavior problem in the laboratory (describe problem and actions taken to eliminate problem.
- List of things you will do to prevent inappropriate behavior from occurring
- Description of your safety program
- Reflections on Year Three
- Training Director Feedback