Installer/Technician Group
This program has been developed specifically for those associated with the Installer/Technician industry.
The program presentations will focus on topics that individuals working in this sector of the electrical industry will find of interest. The Installer/Technician Group is for Installer/Technician Contractors, Business Managers, Chapter Managers, Training Directors, Instructors, Program Administrators and anyone else interested in today’s Installer/Technician Industry.
Potential topics will include Training Partnership, Installer/Technician Training Initiatives, Contractor Experiences, Training Director Experiences, Updates to Core Curriculum, Craft Certification Updates and Curriculum Updates to name a few. This program is guaranteed to give you a better understanding of the opportunities available in the Installer/Technician Industry, and what the electrical training ALLIANCE is doing to help prepare the workforce to meet the growing demands of this sector of the electrical industry.
Participants wanting to attend both Installer/Technician Group and Committee Group Sessions must register for I/T Group and select Special Committee Group B Sessions. Additional rate applies
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Coming Soon: Installer/Technician Agenda
Installer/Technician sessions will take place Sunday 1:00pm-5:00pm
Monday 7:30am-5:00pm
Tuesday 7:30am-5:00pm
All sessions are open to participants in the
OM Group Tuesday PM
C/SC Group Sunday-Tuesday